Green flag must transition into green economy!

Green Economy
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Electric cars, buses & trucks are a reality. So is the plunge in the cost of solar and wind energy. Very soon, South Korea would lead the world into hydrogen economy. This is irreversible technological change.

With low oil prices, race to green economy would accelerate. Climate change is a looming threat in the long term than Covid & Pakistan’s growing food security requires massive overhauling of economic policies.

The economic benefits of spending on education, R&D, innovation, dams, leapfrogging into EVs, renewable energy, digitization & knowledge-economies far outweigh the conventional ideas of roads, bridges & houses.

Get ahead the curve as clearly the population curve isn’t bending nor the purchasing power curve is steepening desirably. Reduce public sector losses, increase exports, substitute imports, cut Power sector theft & losses, enhance agricultural value addition as green shoots.

200mn population is the economic pitch & a huge potential market. Encourage local entrepreneurs to tap. While we haven’t set a deep conversion refinery, the world contemplates lithium refinery. Smart Lockdown= Smart Economy.

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