PSX Shariah Compliant Stocks
Shariah-compliant securities are securities of a public-listed company which have been classified as Shariah permissible for investment, based on the company’s compliance with Shariah principles in terms of its primary business and investment activities as well as financial position. 256 shariah compliant stocks are listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange
Shariah Stocks
Symbol | Company name |
AABS | AL- Abbas Sugar Mills Ltd |
ABOT | Abbott Laboratories (Pak) Ltd |
ACPL | Attock Cement Pakistan Ltd |
AGIL | Agriautos Industries Ltd |
AGP | AGP Ltd |
AGTL | AL-Ghazi Tractors Ltd |
ALNRS | Al-Noor Sugar Mills Ltd |
APL | Attock Petroleum Ltd |
ARM | Allied Rental Modaraba |
ARPL | Archroma Pakistan Ltd |
ASC | Al Shaheer Corporation Ltd |
ASTM | Asim Textile Mills Ltd |
ATBA | Atlas Battery Ltd |
ATLH | Atlas Honda Ltd |
ATRL | Attock Refinery Ltd |
AWTX | Allawasaya Textile & Finishing Mills Ltd |
BATA | Bata Pakistan Ltd |
BCML | Babri Cotton Mills Ltd |
BERG | Berger Paints Pakistan Ltd |
BHAT | Bhanero Textile Mills Ltd |
BIFO | Biafo Industries Ltd |
BIPL | Bankislami Pakistan |
BNWM | Bannu Woollen Mills Ltd |
BPL | Burshane LPG (Pak) Ltd |
BRR | B.R.R. Guardian Modaraba |
BUXL | Buxly Paints Ltd |
BWCL | Bestway Cement Ltd |
BWHL | Baluchistan Wheels Ltd |
CCM | Crescent Cotton Mills Ltd |
CEPB | Century Paper & Board Mills Ltd |
CFL | Crescent Fibres Ltd |
CHCC | Cherat Cement Company Ltd |
CLOV | Clover Pakistan Ltd |
COLG | Colgate Palmolive (Pak) Ltd |
CPPL | Cherat Packaging Ltd |
DAAG | Data Agro Ltd |
DADX | Dadex Eternit Ltd |
DCL | Dewan Cement Ltd |
DCR | Dolmen City Reit |
DGKC | D. G. Khan Cement Company Ltd. |
DOL | Descon Oxychem Ltd |
DYNO | Dynea Pakistan Ltd |
EFERT | Engro Fertilizers Ltd |
EMCO | EMCO Industries Ltd |
ENGRO | Engro Corporation Ltd |
EPCL | Engro Polymer & Chemicals Ltd |
EXIDE | Exide Pakistan Ltd |
FANM | First AL-Noor Modarba |
FATIMA | Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd |
FCCL | Fauji Cement Company Ltd |
FECTC | Fecto Cement Ltd |
FEM | First Equity Modarba |
FEROZ | Ferozsons Laboratories Ltd |
FHAM | First Habib Modarba Ltd |
FIBLM | First IBL Modaraba |
FIMM | First Imrooz Modaraba |
FLYNG | Flying Cement Ltd |
FML | Feroze1888 Mills Ltd |
FPJM | First Punjab Modarba |
FPRM | First Paramount Modaraba |
FRCL | Frontier Ceramics Ltd |
FRSM | Faran Sugar Mills Ltd |
FTMM | First Treet Mfg Modaraba |
FUDLM | First UDL Modarba |
GATI | Gatron Industries Ltd |
GGGL | Ghani Global Glass Ltd |
GGL | Ghani Global Holdings Ltd |
GHGL | Ghani Glass Ltd |
GHNI | Ghandhara Industries Ltd |
GHNL | Ghandara Nissan Ltd |
GLAXO | Glaxosmithkline (Pak) Ltd |
GLPL | Gillette Pakistan Ltd |
GSKCH | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (Pak) Ltd. |
GVGL | Ghani Value Glass Ltd |
GWLC | Gharibwal Cement Ltd |
HABSM | Habib Sugar Mills Ltd |
HCAR | Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Ltd |
HINOON | Highnoon Laboratories Ltd |
HMM | Habib Metro Modarba |
HRPL | Habib Rice Products Ltd |
HSM | Hussein Sugar Mills ltd |
HTL | Hi-Tech Lubricants Ltd |
IBFL | Ibrahim Fibre Ltd |
IBLHL | IBL HealthCare Ltd |
ICI | I.C.I Pakistan Ltd |
ICL | Ittehad Chemicals Ltd |
IDSM | Ideal Spinning Mills Ltd |
ILP | Interloop Limited |
IMAGE | Image Pakistan Ltd |
INIL | International Industries Ltd |
ISL | International Steels Ltd |
ITTEFAQ | Ittefaq Iron Industries Ltd |
JATM | J. A. Textile Mills Ltd |
JDMT | Janana-de-Malucho Textile Mills Ltd. |
JDWS | J. D. W. Sugar Mills Ltd |
JSML | Jauharabad Sugar Mills Ltd |
JVDC | Javedan Corporation Ltd |
KEL | K-Electric Ltd |
KOHC | Kohat Cement Company Ltd |
KOHTM | Kohat Textile Mills Ltd |
KOIL | Kohinoor Industries Ltd |
KSBP | K.S.B. Pumps Company Ltd |
KTML | Kohinoor Textile Mills Ltd |
LPGL | Leiner Pak Gelatine Ltd |
LUCK | Lucky Cement Ltd |
MACFL | MACPAC Films Ltd |
MACTER | Macter International Ltd |
MARI | Mari Petroleum Company Ltd |
MEBL | Meezan Bank Ltd |
MLCF | Maple Leaf Cement Factory Ltd |
MSCL | Metropolitan Steel Corporation Ltd |
MTL | Millat Tractors Ltd |
MUGHAL | Mughal Iron & Steels Ind. Ltd |
NATF | National Foods Ltd |
NETSOL | Netsol Technology Ltd |
NML | Nishat Mills Ltd |
NRL | National Refinery Ltd |
NRSL | Nimir Resins Ltd |
NSRM | National Silk and Rayon Mills Ltd |
OGDC | Oil & Gas Development Company Ltd |
ORIXM | Orix Modaraba |
ORM | Orient Rental Modaraba |
PAEL | Pak Elektron Ltd |
PAKOXY | Pakistan Oxygen Ltd |
PCAL | Pakistan Cables Ltd |
PHDL | Pakistan Hotels Developers Ltd |
PICT | Pakistan International Container Terminal Ltd |
PIM | Popular Islamic Modaraba |
PKGS | Packages Ltd |
PNSC | Pakistan National Shipping Corporation |
POL | Pakistan Oilfields Ltd |
POML | Punjab Oil Mills Ltd |
POWER | Power Cement Ltd |
PPL | Pakistan Petroleum Ltd |
PPP | Pakistan Paper Prouducts Ltd. |
PREMA | At-Tahur Ltd |
PSEL | Pakistan Services Ltd |
PSO | Pakistan State Oil Company Ltd |
PSYL | Pakistan Synthetic Ltd |
PTC | Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd. |
QUICE | Quice Food Ltd |
RMPL | Rafhan Maize Products Co. Ltd |
RPL | Roshan Packages Ltd |
RUPL | Rupali Polyester Ltd |
SAPL | Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan Ltd |
SARC | Sardar Chemical Industries Ltd |
SAZEW | Sazgar Engineering Works Ltd |
SCL | Shield Corporation Ltd |
SEARL | The Searl Company Ltd |
SEPL | Security Paper Ltd |
SERT | Service Industries Textile Ltd |
SFL | Sapphire Fibers Ltd |
SHFA | Shifa International Hospitals Ltd |
SINDM | Sindh Modaraba |
SITC | Sitara Chemical Industries Ltd. |
SKRS | Sakrand Sugar Mills Ltd. (Defaulter) |
SMCPL | Safe Mix Concrete Ltd |
SML | Shakerganj Ltd |
SNAI | Sana Industries Ltd |
SNGP | Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd |
SPEL | Synthetic Products Enterprises Ltd |
SPL | Sitara Peroxide Ltd |
SSGC | Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd |
STCL | Shabbir Tiles & Ceramics Ltd |
STJT | Shahtaj Textile Mills Ltd |
STML | Shams Textile Mills Ltd |
STPL | Siddiqsons Tin Plate Ltd |
SURC | Suraj Cotton Mills Ltd |
SUTM | Sunrays Textile Mills Ltd |
THCCL | Thatta Cement Company Ltd |
TOWL | Towellers Ltd |
UDPL | United Distributors Pakistan Ltd |
UNITY | Unity Foods Ltd |
UPFL | Unilever Pakistan Foods Ltd |
WAVES | Waves Singer Pakistan Ltd |
WTL | WorldCall Telecom Ltd |
ZAHID | Zahidjee Textile Mills Ltd |
ZIL | ZIL Ltd |
PSX Companies Sector
- Automobile Assembler
- Automobile Parts and Accessories
- Bonds
- Cable & electrical goods
- Cement
- Chemical
- Close – end mutual fund
- Commercial banks
- Engineering
- Exchange traded funds
- Fertilizer
- Food & personal care products
- Future contracts
- Glass & ceramics
- Insurance
- Inv. Banks / inv. Cos. / securities cos.
- Jute
- Leasing companies
- Leather & tanneries
- Miscellaneous
- Modarabas
- Oil & gas exploration companies
- Oil & gas marketing companies
- Paper & board
- Pharmaceuticals
- Power generation & distribution
- Real estate investment trust
- Refinery
- Stock index future contracts
- Sugar & allied industries
- Synthetic & rayon
- Technology & communication
- Textile composite
- Textile spinning
- Textile weaving
- Tobacco
- Transport
- Vanaspati & allied industries
- Woollen