Maintaining a Side Hustle

Anything that helps you earn money apart from your 9–5 job could be termed as a side hustle. When it comes to stock trading as a side gig, the return can even surpass the monetary gain secured from your primary work. While one’s trading strategy is majorly influenced by the investment objectives defined, those who… Continue reading Maintaining a Side Hustle

Invest for Good: Applying ESG framework to the top 30 listed companies in Pakistan

Dear Clients, We have published a detailed report on ESG investing and made an attempt to identify six companies, which we think have a strong social consciousness and purpose. Globally more than $30 trillion assets now follow ESG rules. This is likely to increase, driven by both by regulation and fiduciary care. Investment data shows… Continue reading Invest for Good: Applying ESG framework to the top 30 listed companies in Pakistan

Pakistan Macro Blog: Investing for Good in Pakistan: embracing ESG

Dear Friends, ‘There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”Lenin“Investing for Good” or ESG investment is a theme which we covered in our webinars this month. We hosted the legendary Mark Mobius, who now manages a ESG focused emerging markets fund and his colleague Usman Ali, who is a Partner at Mobius… Continue reading Pakistan Macro Blog: Investing for Good in Pakistan: embracing ESG

Technical Analysis for laymen

With the COVID-19 situation showing little to no signs of abating anytime soon, home offices, online classes, and webinars are fast becoming part of ‘the new normal’. Ever-dedicated to carve out opportunities from threats, KASB Securities launched the KASB Varsity initiative not too long ago, which at the time of this article being written, boasts… Continue reading Technical Analysis for laymen

Pakistan Macro Blog: Where are the retail investors?

Dear Friends,On résiste à l’invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l’invasion des idées (No army can stop an idea whose time has come) – Victor Hugo Retail investors are driving the global markets. While many businesses are hurt by the lock down, volumes are booming for brokers and exchanges. The Financial Times published this… Continue reading Pakistan Macro Blog: Where are the retail investors?

Pakistan survives downgrade from emerging status

In an anticipated outcome, Pakistan has maintained its position in the MSCI Emerging Market (EM) index post MSCI’s May20 semi-annual index review. Note that all 3 of Pakistan’s constituents were unable to meet the required criteria for eligibility. We, however, believe that MSCI likely offered some relaxation in light of the coronavirus pandemic as the… Continue reading Pakistan survives downgrade from emerging status

MSCI Semi-Annual Index Review – May’20

MSCI’s Semi-Annual Index Review is scheduled to take place on 12th May 20. Pakistan Market’s recent downtrend has garnered concerns of potential downgrade to Frontier Status. It is also important to note that Pakistan has been able to hold onto its emerging status despite not meeting the requisites due to the Index Continuity Rule. Pakistan’s… Continue reading MSCI Semi-Annual Index Review – May’20