Daily News: 14th May 2020

Good Morning The government on Wednesday signed a Rs442 billion contract with a joint venture of China Power and Frontier Works Organization (FWO) for the construction of the Diamer-Bhasha dam. The ECC on Wednesday approved Rs56.6 billion to provide farmers subsidy on fertilizers, reduction in mark-up on agriculture loans, subsidy on cotton seed, white fly pesticides… Continue reading Daily News: 14th May 2020

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Daily news: 13th May 2020

Good Morning Pakistan has successfully retained its May 2017’s upgraded status in the global MSCI Emerging Market (EM) Index and averted the chances of being downgraded to Frontier Index in its semi-annual review on Wednesday. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Pakistani authorities remain closely engaged with a view to bringing the second review of the… Continue reading Daily news: 13th May 2020

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Daily news:12th May 2020

Good Morning Home remittances sent by overseas Pakistanis posted a growth of 5.5 percent during the first 10 months of this fiscal year (FY20). The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will issue its monetary policy statement on Friday with expectation of further cut in the key policy rate. Pakistan has received draft Memorandum of Understanding… Continue reading Daily news:12th May 2020

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Daily News:11th May 2020

Good Morning The weekly inflation during the week that ended May 7, 2020, against April 30, 2020 – week-on-week – witnessed an increase of 0.36 percent for combined income groups, ie, from 126.84 points to 127.30 points, Pakistan Bureau of Statistic (PBS) revealed. Keeping in view the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan’s GDP is going… Continue reading Daily News:11th May 2020

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Daily news:08th May 2020

Good Morning The government has decided to soften the lockdown further from Saturday in the second phase. However, closure of educational institutes has been extended by one and half months till July 15, and all board exams have been cancelled. The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) on Thursday cut the prices of re-gasified liquefied natural… Continue reading Daily news:08th May 2020

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Daily news: 07th May 2020

Good Morning A budget deficit of 3.8 percent or Rs1,687 billion has been recorded during the first nine months of the current fiscal year, July-March 2019-2020, ahead of corona pandemic expenditure and ramifications of lockdown on the revenue and economy of the country. On Wednesday, the Finance Ministry uploaded consolidated fiscal operation for July-March2019-2020, revealing… Continue reading Daily news: 07th May 2020

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Daily news: 06th May 2020

Good Morning The country’s exports on month-on-month (MoM) basis have witnessed a 47.24 percent decline, from $1.814 billion to $957 million, during April 2020 against March 2020, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistic (PBS) said. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce and Investment Abdul Razak Dawood has said that the ministry is aggressively working on making… Continue reading Daily news: 06th May 2020

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Daily News: 5th-May-2020

Good Morning The Prime Minister, Imran Khan, said on Monday that lockdown would be further eased gradually to provide livelihood to the low-income group and daily wagers. While addressing the tiger force (volunteers), the prime minister said that “we have to gradually open the lockdown because people have been badly affected by it and have… Continue reading Daily News: 5th-May-2020

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Daily News: 04th May 2020

Good Morning The prime minister’s think tank at a meeting on Sunday advised the government to consider reducing tax rates and shifting focus of federal and provincial development programmes to high-impact areas while keeping a close eye on an effective rescue and relief campaign to protect vulnerable segments of society from the serious fallout triggered… Continue reading Daily News: 04th May 2020

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Daily News: 30th April 2020

Good Morning The total servicing of external public debt was $5.344 billion during July-February 2019-20 against the budgeted $10.423 billion for the entire fiscal year, says the Economic Affairs Division (EAD). According to the latest figures released by the EAD, total servicing of external public debt was $5.344 billion during the first eight months of… Continue reading Daily News: 30th April 2020

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