Daily news: 4th June 2020

Good Morning Finance ministers from the Group of Seven nations on Wednesday underscored their commitment to implementing official bilateral debt relief for the world’s poorest countries through year-end and possibly longer as they deal with the coronavirus pandemic. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has reported that the government raised Rs146.5 billion through T-bills, against… Continue reading Daily news: 4th June 2020

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Daily news: 3rd June 2020

Good Morning With no signs of coronavirus pandemic going away anytime soon, Pakistan on Tuesday reported a record number of 3,938 new coronavirus cases with 79 deaths over the last 24 hours. The government on Tuesday trimmed profit rates on all savings schemes and accounts of the Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) for the fourth… Continue reading Daily news: 3rd June 2020

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Daily news: 2nd June 2020

Good Morning The inflation rate eased for the fourth successive month and stood at 8.2% in May 2020 despite a seasonal spike in prices of essential food items, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) reported on Monday. While directing preparation of combating corona budget for 2020-21, Prime Minister Imran Khan has assigned Adviser to PM on Finance… Continue reading Daily news: 2nd June 2020

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Daily news:1st June 2020

Good Morning Amid whopping fiscal losses faced by Pakistan so far escalating to $14 billion after outbreak of deadly coronavirus, Pakistan’s fiscal deficit is projected to be in the range of 8 to 17 percent of GDP in the upcoming fiscal year depending upon the duration of lockdown period. The tax collection by the Federal… Continue reading Daily news:1st June 2020

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Daily news: 29th May 2020

Good Morning The country’s total liquid foreign exchange reserves declined by $20 million during last week. According to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), total liquid foreign exchange reserves stood at $18.598 billion as on May 21, 2020 compared to $18.618 billion on May 15, 2020. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) raised Rs169 billion… Continue reading Daily news: 29th May 2020

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Daily news: 28th May 2020

Good Morning Foreign investors opted to pull out their investment from Pakistan equity market due to their concerns over deadly coronavirus and slowing economic activities. The offshore investors withdrew $37.497 million from the equity market during May 2020 as compared to an inflow of over $22.920 million in the same month last year. Special Assistant to… Continue reading Daily news: 28th May 2020

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Daily news:20th May 2020

Good Morning Total provisional external inflows from multiple financing sources were $7.381 billion during July-April of fiscal year 2019-20 against the budgeted amount of $12.958 billion for the entire fiscal year which is around 57 percent of the budgeted amount. In a landmark achievement, Power Energy Sukuk-II of Rs200 billion is heavily oversubscribed by an amount… Continue reading Daily news:20th May 2020

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Daily news:19th May 2020

Good Morning Adviser to the Prime Minister on Economic Affairs Abdul Hafeez Sheikh Monday said the government would not introduce any new tax in the coming budget. The government has decided to announce budget for 2020-21 in the Parliament on June 12, 2020, The News has learnt. Multinational companies have continued to inject fresh investment into ongoing… Continue reading Daily news:19th May 2020

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Daily news:18th May 2020

Good Morning The SPI inflation during the week that ended May 14, 2020 against May 16, 2019 – Year-on-Year basis – recorded an increase of 9.26 percent for combined income groups, ie, from 116.52 points to 127.31 points, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistic (PBS) revealed. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)… Continue reading Daily news:18th May 2020

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Daily News:15th May 2020

Good Morning The foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank decreased 0.48% on a weekly basis, according to data released by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Thursday. On May 8, the foreign currency reserves held by the SBP were recorded at $12,270.7 million, down $59 million compared with $12,329.4 million in the… Continue reading Daily News:15th May 2020

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