Pakistan cements result previews – A tough year concludes

The Pakistan Cement Industry concluded one of its toughest years during FY20 with majority of the manufacturers expected to close in red. Prime reasons for eroding profitability include: 1) lower pricing amidst an expansion-driven price war, 2) Pak Rupee depreciation inflating energy costs, 3) high interest rates in tandem with a debt-heavy balance sheet, and… Continue reading Pakistan cements result previews – A tough year concludes

The Trapped Saviour: Cement Sector of Pakistan

In a Nutshell Pakistan is one of the most populous country in world with population figure over 200 million. Just as with other instances of over population, the concept of scarcity is applicable here as well, especially with regarding to housing. Currently, the housing shortage in the country is estimated around 10.4m out of which… Continue reading The Trapped Saviour: Cement Sector of Pakistan